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The Advanatges of Living in a Rust Belt Town…


A recent national study has concluded that driving congestion in many areas of the U.S. is bad and getting worse with no real solutions in sight. The study also published a list of least conjested cities…and I am happy to announce that my hometown is on it.


Brownsville, Texas
Spokane, Washington
Akron, Ohio
Anchorage, Alaska
Corpus Christi, Texas
Rochester, New York
Beaumont, Texas
Buffalo, New York*****
Springfield, Massachusetts
Laredo, Texas

At least incompetent local and state government is good for one thing. Scare all the people away to other areas of the country with no jobs and high taxes, and we can all drive anywhere we want in 30 minutes or less. Of course we live in a rusted out shell of former middle class prosperity, but that aside, we can still get anywhere in this rusted out shell faster than people in Atlanta can get to work! Makes you proud to be a Buffalonian doesn’t it?