More Proof Ron Paul is a Racist…


To add to my previous post, Ron Paul and his position on racism…

Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called “diversity” actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist.

The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims. Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence, not skin color, gender, or ethnicity.

More importantly, in a free society every citizen gains a sense of himself as an individual, rather than developing a group or victim mentality. This leads to a sense of individual responsibility and personal pride, making skin color irrelevant. Rather than looking to government to correct our sins, we should understand that racism will endure until we stop thinking in terms of groups and begin thinking in terms of individual liberty.

This explanation is lucid and relevant, but it fails to address the fact that white people enslaved an entire race of black people, then proceeded to systematically rob them of their civil rights and wealth for another 100 years after they were freed! Only in the last 40 years have many people of color been able to lift themselves up economically and socially, as a result of affirmative action and other common sense programs that have averted an all out racial war in this country. The very policies Ron Paul opposes are still needed to battle institutional racism today.

This explanation by Paul might also provide some insight as to why he is the darling of white supremacists.

It’s no secret that until he became the horse for the anti-war crowd, Ron Paul extensively pandered to racists. He’s been endorsed and has ties to Larry Pratt and Pat Buchanan. He has a 100 percent approval rating from the John Birch Society. We have already exposed his newsletter on this blog and the statements that most black men were criminals, welfare recipients or looters. He’s also blathered on about Jews controlling America and Asians embezzling the banks.

At the Storm Front website, a white supremacist web site, and in response to an article from the David Duke website (a well documented racist), racist Ron Paul supporters couldn’t heap enough praise on the man.

Some examples…

Cheimon: Ron Paul would collapse the Jewish infrastructure in this country.

AllWhiteAllRight: Anyone who doesn’t vote for Paul on this site is an ass clown. Sure he doesn’t come right out and say he is a WN, who cares! He promotes agendas and ideas that allow Nationalism to flourish. If we “get there” without having to raise hell, who cares; as long as we finally get what we want. I don’t understand why some people do not support this man, Hitler is dead, and we shall probably never see another man like him.

Pat Buchanan’s book “Where the Right Went Wrong” is a prime example of getting the point across without having the book banned for anti semitism. The chapters about the war in Iraq sound like a BarMitzvah, but he doesn’t have to put the Star of David next to each name for us to know what he means. We are running out of options at this point, and I will take someone is 90% with us versus any of the other choices.

Not to mention if Paul makes a serious run, he legitimizes White Nationalism and Storm Front, for God’s sake David Duke is behind this guy!

Woodsy: I believe Ron Paul represents a true opportunity for most of America. He’s the real McCoy. A humble, educated, honest and determined man who is a real, patriotic American. You want business as usual? Cast your lot with Giuliani the Mayor of Jew York or Obama the dark horse from Minnesota (?). This coming election represents the Internet vs. the Jew-controlled mass media.

President of Peach: Step foot outside of your cave/basement and start looking at the big picture: Ron Paul is the last chance the white race has for just 10% of its survival, much less America… And how do you know that’s not his priority? Remember: the game is rigged. Paul can’t come out swinging.

Ron Paul on his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964…

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 gave the federal government unprecedented power over the hiring, employee relations, and customer service practices of every business in the country. The result was a massive violation of the rights of private property and contract, which are the bedrocks of free society. The federal government has no legitimate authority to infringe on the rights of private property owners to use their property as they please and to form (or not form) contracts with terms mutually agreeable to all parties. The rights of all private property owners, even those whose actions decent people find abhorrent, must be respected if we are to maintain a free society.This expansion of federal power was based on an erroneous interpretation of the congressional power to regulate interstate commerce. The framers of the Constitution intended the interstate commerce clause to create a free trade zone among the states, not to give the federal government regulatory power over every business that has any connection with interstate commerce.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 not only violated the Constitution and reduced individual liberty; it also failed to achieve its stated goals of promoting racial harmony and a color-blind society. Federal bureaucrats and judges cannot read minds to see if actions are motivated by racism. Therefore, the only way the federal government could ensure an employer was not violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was to ensure that the racial composition of a business’s workforce matched the racial composition of a bureaucrat or judge’s defined body of potential employees. Thus, bureaucrats began forcing employers to hire by racial quota. Racial quotas have not contributed to racial harmony or advanced the goal of a color-blind society. Instead, these quotas encouraged racial balkanization, and fostered racial strife.

Of course, America has made great strides in race relations over the past forty years. However, this progress is due to changes in public attitudes and private efforts. Relations between the races have improved despite, not because of, the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, while I join the sponsors of H.Res. 676 in promoting racial harmony and individual liberty, the fact is the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not accomplish these goals. Instead, this law unconstitutionally expanded federal power, thus reducing liberty. Furthermore, by prompting raced-based quotas, this law undermined efforts to achieve a color-blind society and increased racial strife. Therefore, I must oppose H.Res. 676.

More analysis here…

Ron Paul’s comments regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are unfounded and a bit foolish.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not drafted or passed to promote racial harmony as Ron Paul claims, it was passed to correct inherent injustices that were leveled at the black population at the hands of white conservatives in the South.

By defending the rights of property owners at all costs, he is implying that people have the right to be racists.

By claiming the act robbed people of individual liberty, Paul reveals his ignorance regarding people of color being able to vote, ride in the front of the bus, use public restrooms, marry white people, own certain properties, or eat at the same lunch counter as white people. I guess none of these things qualify as individual liberties in ‘Ron World.’ No pursuit of happiness here, huh Ron?

More to come on why Ron Paul is not fit for president…

Posted on November 2, 2007, in 2008 Presidential Election, Civil Rights, Conservatives, Politics, Race Rlations, Republican Party, Social Policy and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 48 Comments.

  1. Either you believe in freedom or you don’t. One freedom that is essential is freedom of association. The acts that you cited and Ron Paul opposed undermine an individuals freedom of association, and in fact in many ways the civil rights act of 1964 has hurt black people instead of helping them.

    That act was never intended to be permanent and has no place in the 21st century.

    Think about it.

  2. Ron Paul is not a racist. I think the main reason racists support him is that they align with the fact that he is anti illegal immigration. He even authored a house bill to end anchor babies. I’m not racist but I do think something needs to be done about this and he is the only one with enough integrity to follow through with this plans.

    The newsletter you cite was not written by him. That’s been debunked for awhile.

  3. 200 years ago, Ron Paul would have been working to free the slaves like John Brown. You wouldn’t. You’re a racist.

    Ron Paul believes in liberty for all. You don’t.

  4. Ron Paul’s a racist? Hmm… I knew I didn’t see any African-Americans supporting him…. It’s all beginning to make sense….

  5. If you haven’t seen African-Americans supporting him you have seen the videos they have made. Check you tube. Maybe because you choose not to know.

    Ron Paul is as racist as Mother Theresa.
    You people are grasping at straws because Bushes Gop has done a whack job on the party.

    I agree with a previous comment. The people who scream racist usually are the ones who are.

  6. 50% of the Atlanta Meetup is black … IMAGINE THAT!

  7. “It’s no secret that until he became the horse for the anti-war crowd, Ron Paul extensively pandered to racists”

    The title for this article should read;

    “More Proof Matthew J. Podoba is No Journalist.”

  8. thank god the fereral government has done such a good job at making sure we all arent rascist. Oh coarse RP is the only candidate who actually wants EQUAL justice under the law for blacks and whites. He wants to repeal the drug laws that are unfair against blacks. Wasnt that what the civil rights movement was about equality and equal justice under the law? thats what Ron Paul is talking about and i havent heard many other candidates talk about the unfairness of drug laws against blacks….SO the federal government is Rascist NOW….Paul wants to change that.

  9. Also the reason white supremascist support Paul has less to do with blacks than it does Jews. White supremescist dont want their tax dollars going to blindly support the Israeli state. Much of my family is Jewish and I don’t want my tax dolars supporting a Jewish state because our support for them will always come back as a neatly wrapped terrorist attack. Also this balance of power act we do in the middle east probably hurts Israel and the United States more than it helps. RP doesnt want the US involved in entangling aliances, i dont know if you could refer to our support of Israel as anything but that. If Israel goes to war against Iran, we have to go to war against Iran. US foreign policy should not be dictateed by other states. Again actually do some research before you just call people rascists.

  10. I didn’t translate anything that you wrote as being proof that Ron Paul is a racist. There is not a racist bone in Ron Paul’s body. Mathew, you seem to be nothing more than a NWO shill. I was only going to donate $100.00 to the Ron Paul November 5th money bomb, but due to these obviously slanderous outright lies against the most honest man in politics, I am changing my donation to $500.00. Americans are going to take our country back whether you and your ilk like it or not. Ron Paul 08′

  11. Banged heads? I was unaware that we had. Oh well, it’s nice to know we’re in agreement on something.

  12. Stop complaining. African immigrants who come to this country go to college and earn money at equivalent rates to white people. Its pretty simple, you just go to school, do your homework, go to college and graduate. Once again, you go to school, do your homework, go to college and graduate.

    Plenty of Africans with skin as black as the night do this as good as white people, just take a look at Barack Obama, a true American dream story.

  13. Learn the difference between equal rights, and special rights. Good luck.

  14. How to Whip This Ron Paul Character and All His Whacky Followers.

    Ron Paul can be defeated by ignorance. Ignore him if you can.
    By lies. Misrepresent his positions whenever possible.
    By word gaming. As Lenin advised, “First, confuse the vocabulary.”
    By contempt. Dismiss him as amusing and pathetic.
    By smearing his supporters. Find the worst and spotlight them. Call them a cult.
    By consensus. Dismiss him with peer-pressure ridicule.
    By false accusations. Spread them quickly and far.
    By never discussing his policies. Change the subject to his person.
    By the polls. Ask the right people the right questions and get the answer you want.
    By reporting his most unpopular votes. But don’t report his reasoning.
    By rudeness. Wreck any debate where his ideas are winning.
    With all these tools, he can be easily defeated. Use them generously.

    But Ron Paul cannot be defeated by refuting him in an honest and courteous technical debate. Avoid that.

    – Moderno Machiavelli


    Whoa you need to get a life. So you wil l instead accept Hillary’s brand of racism when she panders to these other groups who want to kill whitey? Obama’s who want to do the same? Get real buddy.

    Ron Paul as everyone knows is not a racist. People in this country have a right to vote for those they wish…that doesn’t make their candidate take on their characteristics.


  16. dissinter,

    Funny, it seems, as evidenced by this comment thread, that Ron Paul supporters seem to follow your advice…only in reverse. Wierd huh?


    Who mentioned supporting Hillary or Obama?

  18. Braden,

    Yeah, on a Christian related thing some while back. You were pretty upset as I recall, but I’m glad we can still engage in intelligent debate on Ron Paul and his misinformation army.

  19. badmedia,

    Is it a ‘special right’ to be guranteed the vote and equal protection under the law. That’s what the whole civil rights struggle was about. What are you saying exactly? It makes no sense at all.

  20. Desert Rat,

    Everything in my post is a genuine quote from Ron Paul and is documented everywhere on the Internet. Do as you will with your money. My analysis and opinions stand and can be defended based on the facts. No lies here sir.

  21. matt g,

    What ‘drug laws against blacks’ are you speaking of. Drug laws affect all citizens. Are you saying black people do more jail time for equal drug related offenses than white people? Your comment makes no sense at all.

  22. bret,

    Yeah 50% of all 257 members in the ‘Meetup’. Hardly a representative sample of a city with a population of over 500,000 people. I recommend you take a stats class sir.

  23. Johnnyb

    Freedom of association has nothing to do with the fact that Ron Paul is a racist.

  24. Libertyslegacy,

    You are correct. I am not a journalist. I am an opinion writer who posts columns on a political blog.

  25. Galileo,

    Your comment is slanderous and untrue. I am no racist. If you bothered to read any of my other posts, you’d know that.

  26. Steven,

    Do you get all of your information from You Tube? Hardly a reliable source I’d say.

  27. “By defending the rights of property owners at all costs, he is implying that people have the right to be racists. ”

    People do have the right to be racist. Even idiots have freedom in a free society. If a business owner wants to prohibit [choose color] people then it is his prerogative. May the market swiftly punish his foolishness.

  28. the difference in crack coccaine MMS and powdered coccaine. Rich people use powder…poor minorities use crack. Also, yes sentencing, in respect to arrest rates is dissproportionate against blacks.

  29. Philosophically, the Civil Rights Act is simply a way for the progressives in Washington to circumvent the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution by way of the Interstate Commerce Clause. This measure was a direct attempt by Northern States to force the integration of the South in order to limit the movement of black people out of the South. It is a direct descendent of the 14th Amendment. Instead of making an effort to offer ‘civil rights’ in Northern States, and attracting blacks to the State, it was deemed to be progressive and expedient to force whites in the south to accept black integration. The Equal Protection Clause stood in the way. A great question to answer is “Why were the Equal Protection Clause and the Interstate Commerce Clause in opposition? Research that question before you start agrandizing ‘Civil Right’s Laws’.

    Example 1 – Nursing and K-12 teaching are female professions, policing and firefighting are male professions, the NBA and NFL are black professions, the NHL is a white profession, and CA Polytech would be 50% asian if University admissions were color blind. Why don’t we bar women from nursing and teaching, bar males from policing and firefighting, bar blacks from the NBA and NFL, bar whites from the NHL, like we bar asians from CA Polytech?

    Example 2 – Women make less money than men per hour of work because they are worth less than men per hour of work. If this were not true, then it would be in the interest of a private company to hire all women so that it could pay below market rates for its human capital. Yet this doesn’t seem to be the tactic of many companies who continue to “overpay” for male workers.

  30. Free people DO have the right to be racist if they want. Do you seriously think you can control somebody’s thoughts through legislation? Do you really want to live in a country that seeks to punish people for thought crime?

    What a sick joke.

  31. MJ "revoltingpawn"

    Nice to see the Ron Paul followers are lining up to defend their deity. Some quick comments…


    You are right neither Matthew or myself are journalists nor have we said we are. You don’t seem to understand this a blog of political opinion. Most blogs, radio talk shows, and with Robert Murdoch now even network news are just forums of commentary on the events of our times. I would encourage everyone to do their own research when are told something whether its from a blogger, journalist, preacher, or Ron Paul.


    Control thoughts through legislation? Thought Crime? What did your comment have to do with this post?

    No one said someone can’t be a racist just don’t want them to become President. It’s safe for you to remove the tinfoil.

  32. Boy, the traitors to the Republic and freedom are really starting to get uptite about being resisted. Stay strong free people of America.

    Rage against the Machine: “No matter how hard you try, you can,t stop us now”

  33. wow! you truely are an idiot! You clearly do not understand the words you posted at the top of this page. You, my friend, are a racist! I’d bet all my savings that you also believe affirmative action is a “good thing” & actually helps black people.

    Oh, & one other thing: Ron Paul commands the largest percentage of black support, of all the republican candidates. A fact that must be very difficult for you to wrap your puny little intelect around.

    People like You & Jessie Jackson only make things worse for blacks & unfortunately your too ignorant to see it! You disgust me

  34. Jeremy,

    Consistent with other Ron Paul followers, you have resorted to name calling much like a 12 year old to convey your point.

    The only source that is sporting this notion that black support has lined up behind Ron Paul is…Ron Paul. No reputable polling agency has confirmed this claim, therfore it is not valid.

    And yes, affirmative action has helped people of color in this country. If you knew anything about the civil rights movement and exercised any critical analysis beyond calling people idiots, your opinion might be relevant. However, you have demonstrated that you are socially insulated and ignorant of the facts.

    Your future comments will be deleted. I approved this comment because I wanted the world to see the depths a typical Ron Paul blind loyalist is willing to sink to. Thanks for the help.

  35. This is probably the worst article I have ever read on the subject of Dr. Ron Paul, who is obviously opposed to racism.

    You don’t have to agree with his views, but calling him a racist because of them is overplaying the race card and at times leads to racism itself Affirmative action is racist, solely based on race and not the conduct of someone’s character.

    Paul did not pander to a particular crowd but many latched on to his freedom message. Of course some unsavory elements will as well since he stands out in a crowd.

    Nevertheless, he is a great statesman who is the only current contender that can restore true governmental accountability and a respect for the oath of office.

  36. What small inklings of racism that still exist in me have been even further diminished with my discovery of Dr Paul. The man is about all Americans and the love in his r3VOLution continues to resonate deeper and deeper the more I know him.

  37. Matthew, I read your About and I agree with it entirely. But this post leaves me a bit startled. One glaring problem with politics is a certain manifestation of bad faith, and almost everything you say here is chock full of the kind of thinking that assumes the worst against reason.

    From this post alone I could come up with several irritating bad faith reactions, though of course you don’t want anyone returning the favor.

    If your goal is to rationalize what you want to believe, then there is nothing anyone could say that will slip past the mental wall you’ve erected. The search for truth is a private affair. Choose as you like, but you do have to rationalize and make a series of bad faith asumptions to continue along the “Ron Paul is a racist” line of thinking.

  38. A stretch like this analysis makes Plastic Man look rigid. Sorry, this may be Matthew’s opinion, but he’s just plain wrong in it.

    Matthew said:
    “This explanation is lucid and relevant, but it fails to address the fact that white people enslaved an entire race of black people, then proceeded to systematically rob them of their civil rights and wealth for another 100 years after they were freed! Only in the last 40 years have many people of color been able to lift themselves up economically and socially, as a result of affirmative action and other common sense programs that have averted an all out racial war in this country. The very policies Ron Paul opposes are still needed to battle institutional racism today. ”

    Dr. Paul does not need to address the past, only the here and now. Being stuck on past issues is a common tool of the likes of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton to maintain the mentality that racism still is highly prevalent in society and it is what keeps racial equality from happenning. In fact, that very mentality is what keeps racial equality from happenning.

    Matthew next said:
    “It’s no secret that until he became the horse for the anti-war crowd, Ron Paul extensively pandered to racists. He’s been endorsed and has ties to Larry Pratt and Pat Buchanan. He has a 100 percent approval rating from the John Birch Society. We have already exposed his newsletter on this blog and the statements that most black men were criminals, welfare recipients or looters. He’s also blathered on about Jews controlling America and Asians embezzling the banks.”

    It’s also no secret that the newsletter in question was quoting actual statistics from a federal government study, that the article in question was not written by Dr. Paul but a staffer that was subsequently fired, and even though he didn’t write it or agree with it, because it was his newsletter he did the honorable thing and apologized for it and took repsonsibility for it. Of course, no mention of the rest of the story on that incident 14 years ago is made here, because it does not fit Matthew’s agenda!

    Matthew next said:
    “At the Storm Front website, a white supremacist web site, and in response to an article from the David Duke website (a well documented racist), racist Ron Paul supporters couldn’t heap enough praise on the man.”

    So he has some racist supporters. So what? Just because he has some of those does not make him one. A guilt-by-association attempt here, and it’s transparently weak.

    “The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not drafted or passed to promote racial harmony as Ron Paul claims, it was passed to correct inherent injustices that were leveled at the black population at the hands of white conservatives in the South.

    By defending the rights of property owners at all costs, he is implying that people have the right to be racists.

    By claiming the act robbed people of individual liberty, Paul reveals his ignorance regarding people of color being able to vote, ride in the front of the bus, use public restrooms, marry white people, own certain properties, or eat at the same lunch counter as white people. I guess none of these things qualify as individual liberties in ‘Ron World.’ No pursuit of happiness here, huh Ron?”

    Sorry, but Dr. Paul is absolutely corrrect. The Civil Rights Act was just that, a publicity stunt, and history bears that out. The efforts of Dr. King and the courts to that poitn had made huge strides in the public square for racial equality, to their respective credits. But there is and always has been a huge difference between the public sqaure and private property. For example, I ban smoking in my home and vehicles. I have every right to do that as those are my private property. But government does not have the right to tell me what I can and cannot do with my property if such actions do not violate the rights of others, period. (In my smoking case, it does violate my rights as I am allergic to tobacco!) To assume otherwise is to undermine the bedrock principle of private property rights that the Founders so closely guarded, in a manner just as bad as the Kelo ruling could ever do. Yet this is exactly what the Civil Rights Acts did. It pandereed to racial equality and extended the federal mandate for it into private property where it did not belong. The net result was that private property where the public could gather became somethign different, a “public place” that became subject to the laws. This was the first major undermining of private property rights that eventually culminated in Kelo.

    I suggest Matthew actually do some history reading on the impacts of race on the examples he mentions above (marriage, bus riding, voting, lunch counters, and restrooms) in reference to acts involving public property (bus riding, voting) vs acts involving private property (lunch counters, restrooms, marriage).

    In summary, Matthew lacks any good basis for this column, and to claim otherwise entails a leap of logic that defies common sense and history. Dr. Paul is not racist in the slightest, and I think Matthew owes him a full apology.

  39. Didn’t Ron Paul also changed his mind on the death penalty?

    What does this say ?

    1- Ron Paul is always seaking the best position on every issue. And the best position is the one that respects our constitutional rights.

    2- He said that to many people executed were later found innocent…

    3- Ron Paul has 2 positions on 2 different issues (the other one is his desire to stop the so-called war on drugs) that will ACTUALLY HELP the africain-americains.

  40. Kyle in Flint MI

    Thank you for a great blog. A great blog incites response, puts information and facts on the frontburner, expresses opinions, and creates informed discussion.

    I expect 50 to 100 responses. Good show.

    I support Paul and Alan Keys; since Alan is not allowed to appear at the Rep debates, and will not be on many Primary Ballots, he is going no where; too bad; he is a great man.

    I actually read your blog, because I wanted to see what Paul actually was saying. Having met the man, and his wife, I did not feel he is what you say he is.

    Having read his remarks, I saw his remarks totally different than you did; but alas this is your blog and I respect your right to your opinion. I saw in his words, more of a “pro personal liberty and pro true civil rights” than you did, and not as you saw it.. However; debate and various perspectives are what makes America great..

    With the Constitution hanging by a thread, and each day more of our civil liberties taken away, I am looking for a candidate who will protect those freedoms. Paul is the only one talking about it that I see.

    No candidate is perfect, but Paul for me comes the closest to my views of freedom; I would add that I am a big fan of Martin Luther King, Jesse Jacksion, and Al Sharpton. Great men; not perfect; who is except The Christ?

    I do say to you on behalf on the vast majority of Ron Paul supporters, that we are sorry that some of our fellow supporters debased themselves into negative name calling. We should be above this; we should craft our responses in tact and respect and encouragement. We Ron Paul supporters should not curse the darkness, but light candles. This is your blog, and you have the right to say what you want, but when you write that someone is a racist, you have used a deeply personal attack framming of words, that truly, will incite a passionate response.

    We have more African-Americans in jail or on parole today than ever. Few African-Americans graduate from High School (compared to other ethnic groups); high divorce rate; low marriage percentages. I can go on and on; we deeply need a Marshall Plan for African-Americans.

    If not Paul; who? All of the other candidates want to support the Patriot Act (which takes away our civil liberties), nuke Iran, support Bush’s Executive Orders taking away our gun ownership rights, and all of that other CFR agenda — after our guns are taken away – they will be taking our Holy Bibles and Book of Mormons.

    I ask you Matthew; where do we turn; Paul is the only one out their defending our freedoms.

  41. Freedom is Freedom is Freedom-Let Freedom Ring! The current government SUCKS!!!! Who is it NOT racist to be so willing to bomb a brown baby when you are so worried about a white clump of cells in a dish?

  42. Mathew, after educating us on Ron Paul would you please be so friendly and explain what your true problem is.
    Or are you doing this because you are young and need the money?

    p.s. “Tannim, on November 4th, 2007 at 2:21”, thank you so much!

  43. MJ "revoltingpawn"


    I can tell you that neither Matthew or myself are young. Maybe we don’t like Ron Paul’s cult like supporters or just enjoy the sheep like comments?

    Maybe their is evil happening right here before your eyes you can not even comprehend?

    As far as making money you can see this blog is non-commercial. Here is a idea… If we setup a Pay Pal account would Ron Paul supporters be willing to donate $1 each to shut us up? LOL

  44. “Consistent with other Ron Paul followers, you have resorted to name calling much like a 12 year old to convey your point.”

    “Ron Paul is a racist…” (from your headline)

    Et tu, Brute?

    I disagree with your assessment of Dr. Paul. His platform isn’t freedom for whites or more freedom for anybody but blacks. Freedom would accomplish everything the Civil Rights act was supposed to, but didn’t.

    Are black men better off today than before 1964? Some black men are, but the majority? The true test of a programs value is whether it worked, is it not?

    I would submit that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 didn’t produce what it was intended to produce, or at least the way it was sold.

    Freedom worked in this country for many years. When racism is no longer economically feasible, then racism will become a hobby for eccentrics.

    As far as Dr. Paul, he is the only candidate who is talking about the real issues. The main real issue is trimming and pruning the leviathan that the United States Govt has become in defiance to the Constitution. That is the cause of most other symptoms.

    The War on Terrorism, the War on Freedom and the War on Poor People are all just visible signs that Washington has overstepped its bounds.

    Ron Paul is the only candidate who wants to change the status quo. The other candidates, for all their rhetoric, stand for more, sometimes much more, of the same thing we have now.

    To paint Paul supporters with such a broad stoke as calling them, and me, racist is to suspend debate. I know plenty of Hilary’s supporters who are true racists, but they are dyed-in-the wool Democrats. And they hate Paul!!!

    Please feel free to tear this post apart to make me seem like an idiot. I must be… I believe and will vote for freedom.

  45. Where’s the proof? As an American citizen with black skin who proudly supports, stands by & will vote for Dr Ron Paul, I must say that your opinion is just that, your opinion. Ron Paul is NOT a racist. It’s time for a rEVOLution! Ron Paul 2008

    PS Haven’t you noticed that not all Ron Paul supporters are the same. Perhaps you should stop being so quick to pass judgement. Just look at his voting record, it speaks for itself.

  46. It’s BULL, but it doesnt make a shit to me.

    Every day we move closer and closer to being rid of you beanie wearing, whiney-ass, moneygrubbing delusional PARASITES.

    Yes – and Israel operating their bullshit without us…
    I cant freakin wait.

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