Category Archives: Race Rlations

Here’s an Article We Pulled From White Supremacist site ‘Stormfront’ in Support of Ron Paul…


Is Ron Paul the One?

Do patriotic White Americans finally have a candidate they can vote for without fear of being sold out again? The Bush family has proven itself the equivalent of political toxic waste. The Bush family supports Open Borders and sees nothing wrong with filling America up with Mexicans. Bush Junior’s occupation of Iraq has cost the Republicans control of Congress. Many Republicans would like to see a complete change of direction. Ron Paul has been consistently against the Iraq War and he also supports securing the Mexican border.

One right wing web site reports that Ron Paul went from relative obscurity to a double digit lead after the first Republican debate in an MSNBC online poll. Jim Capo reports “Now in 2007, Ron Paul comes along last week and gives by most accounts of honest grassroots Americans the best performance in the first televised debate between GOP presidential contenders. Exclusively broadcast by MSNBC, Ron Paul led MSNBC’s post election poll from start to finish with nearly a double digit margin over his nearest challenger Mitt Romney. An even more crushing defeat of the rest of the pack occurred in an ABC News poll which at first had been posted on-line with only nine names on it — Ron Paul’s being the one missing. Irate Paul supporters who complained in the poll’s comment section at first saw many of their posts ominously deleted — some no doubt for language, others for editorial discretion bordering on the c word (censorship). After someone posted in the comment’ thread the cell phone number of a Senior VP at ABC News, the Paul name was added to the poll.”Admittedly the first Republican debate had a small audience. Most people have gotten sick of the “lock step” Republican support for the Iraq War and didn’t watch the debate assuming the candidates would be all the same. Most Americans didn’t know Ron Paul wants us out of Iraq. Still, it’s extremely significant that Ron Paul could jump ahead of the entire field based on a single performance. It also proves that the two biggest issues in 2007 are immigration and getting out of Iraq. Ron Paul is on the right side of both of these issues while the other Republicans (except for Tancredo on immigration) are falling short. If anyone can gain a great deal of momentum through the debate process, it’s Ron Paul.

Just a few weeks ago it looked as though we were going to be stuck with a liberal Republican in the form of Rudi Giuliani or Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Romney is famous for changing positions on key issues like abortion while Giuliani is famous for changing wives. No true conservative Republican wants anything to do with these two east coast liberals.

Romney’s net worth is estimated at being in the hundreds of millions. No doubt he is part of the New England country club elite that includes the Bush family. Someone should carefully check his stand on gun control since these New England elite types tend to sell us out on that issue.

The 2007 election is especially important because Hillary Clinton or the stealth candidate Barack Obama could easily be running. The Republicans need a rock solid candidate who will get us out of the Iraq War and secure the Mexican border if they hope to win. Any “compromise candidate” who wants to continue the Iraq War indefinitely is NOT going to win the hearts of the American people.

There will be more debates ahead and if Ron Paul continues to win the hearts of ordinary conservatives, he will survive the early culling as Romney and Giuliani finally face a serious challenge. Americans want to see a populist candidate, who is right on the key issues, defeat a system-approved candidate like Romney who showed up with his giant bags of money or the ridiculously overrated Giuliani who was mayor of one of the most liberal cities in America.

By: Charles Coughlin

Looks like the Nazi’s have their guy huh?

Group Says Wearing Their ‘Peace Shirts’ on Campus Verbally Attacked by Pro-War Advocates…

 swa.jpgStudents at Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High are waging a war on peace by verbally attacking a group of ‘peace’ advocates.

Sophomore Skylar Stains decided to have ‘Peace Shirt Thursdays’ for her and her friend, Lauren Lorraine. They started wearing peace shirts and recruited other friends to wear them. Now, the “Peace Shirt Coalition” as they call themselves, has close to 30 students from all grades.

“We’ve worn handmade peace shirts every Thursday since the first week of school, without fail,” says Skylar Stains.

However, what started out as a light-hearted gesture soon started to be taken out of context. Students started approaching the group members and yelling obscene things at them. 

The heckling began early in the school year, according to group members. They say they were putting small posters promoting peace on friends’ lockers with their permission. They thought it was OK, because the cheerleaders and football players had signs on theirs. Eventually, though, group members say they were told by the school’s administration they could no longer hang up the posters.

“People just turned on us like that,” she said. “At least 10 boys stood up and yelled things at me at once, and we couldn’t even walk through the halls without a harsh comment being made.”

“People tore them down and drew swastikas and ‘white power’ stuff on them,” Lauren said, referring to the posters.

Skylar had similar things written on her posters.

“Someone taped an ‘I Love Bush’ sign over my ‘Wage Peace’ sign,” she said. “So I tore it down, threw it away, and the whole commons starting booing.

Someone also hung a sign that said, “I Love America, Because America Loves War.”

Lori Masterson, assistant principal at Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High, said all students have the opportunity to form clubs and organizations on campus, but those wishing to do so must identify a sponsor and bring their written proposal to the principal outlining what the proposed group’s purpose and goals are.

“As of this writing, to my knowledge, no one has submitted a written proposal with an identified sponsor for a peace club,” Masterson said in an e-mailed statement.

But peace group members say they have submitted a written proposal and had a written sponsor.

As you might have expected, they were turned down.

Skylar and Lauren said that despite the backlash, the T-shirts and posters originally had nothing to do with politics, but the outburst from opposing groups have turned it into a political issue.

“People just kept putting words into our mouths, like we said this or that about current politics,” Lauren said. “But we didn’t say anything.”

Soon, a second group started to wear Confederate flag shirts to oppose the peace group, Skylar said. She saw shirts with sayings such as “This is America, get used to it,” and “If peace is the answer; it must be a stupid question.”

“Now there are even ‘support our troops’ kids who don’t like us because I guess they think you can’t say peace and support the troops at the same time,” Lauren said.

Skylar later passed out yellow ribbons for her group to wear to show they support the troops as well as peace.

However, Cocoa Beach Jr./Sr. High sophomores Lydia Pace and Joseph Marianetti say the Confederate shirts they wear express support for the troops in Iraq, and nothing more. Joseph said the shirts have nothing to do with racism.

For the troops in Iraq? What?

“Someone took something that stood for peace and twisted it” in regards to the swastikas (drawn by a third group) and the Confederate flag, he said.

On John Lennon’s birthday, the group held an honorary Peace Shirt day and was confronted even more than usual, eventually causing some group members, including Cheyenne, to break down in tears.

The peace group members say their shirts continue to draw negative comments from some students, but point out that other school groups don’t receive similar treatment.

“Since peace is causing other problems, the peace kids are being punished,” Skylar said.

Do you think there’s a bunch of fat, white, old time, stuff shirt, war-hawk, racist, conservatives in Cocoa Beach, teaching their kids to be hate mongers?

I believe so.

Look at the demographics and draw your own conclusion…

The People and Families of Cocoa Beach

In Cocoa Beach, about 54% of adults are married. Lots of people in Cocoa Beach live independently, in one-person housing.

Among adults, males are better represented than women in the city. People 65 and older make up an important part of the community in Cocoa Beach.

Wealth and Education

In 2000, Cocoa Beach had a median family income of $51,795. Cocoa Beach isn’t a place with a large population of people in poverty. The city, compared to most cities like it, can boast of a large population of high-income unmarried people.

Political Inclinations

In the 2004 Presidential fund-raising sweepstakes, George W. Bush came out ahead among Cocoa Beach residents, with $8,770. Residents gave more to the Republican party than any of the others.

Cocoa Beach Housing

In Cocoa Beach, 71% of the houses and apartments are occupied by the owners, not rented out. The city sports a large amount of seasonal housing, typically for vacation or part-time use.


In Cocoa Beach, 91% of commuters drive to work.

Stand tall against the rednecks Skylar. If you need any help on the blogs, we’re here for you. Anyone who wears a Swastika or a Confederate Flag shirt is a pinhead who endorses violence and racial hatred. They are as ignorant and foolish as our current president, who I believe also endorses these very things. 

Don’t be naive Skylar. What you are doing is political, just be sure to defend your position. The legion of ‘The Stupid’ that is the Republican party and its sorted conservative knuckleheads will not give up easily because most of these people are patently stubborn and intellectually rigid by default.

Good luck.  

Ron Paul’s Jewish Problem…


People seem to think Ron Paul has a Jewish problem…and maybe he does. 

At an event on September 11, 2007 at Johns Hopkins’ School of Advanced International Studies, Paul argued for withdrawing from the Middle East, telling his audience that “Israel is quite capable of taking care of itself” — though interestingly adding that US policy has “hurt Israel tremendously.” Paul also downplayed the threat Iran poses to Israel, saying that even if Iran does develop nuclear arms, that it would not be a serious danger to Israel.

His subtlety is what bothers me.

Given that Israel is armed as Paul suggests, really doesn’t seem to present a problem…or does it? 

Paul’s position towards Israel is not innately anti-Jewish, nor is it necessarily outwardly anti-Israel. In fact, Paul’s position is not particularly uncommon, especially within conservative circles. Pat Buchanan led the charge in March of 2003, writing in The American Conservative that neoconservatives participating in and advising the Bush administration were steering the United States into wars that were not in America’s interests, but rather Israel’s. 

Yet, much to his supporters’ dismay, Paul’s willingness to speak out against U.S. policy regarding Israel has effectively made him the sweetheart among those whom Presidential candidates would typically not desire support: white supremacists and anti-semites.

The Internet is filled with data that indicates Ron Paul has become the most popular candidate among right-wing extremists, including white separatists, neo-Nazis, and conspiracy theorists who believe that “the Zionists” were behind 9/11. Among these people are Frank Weltner, creator of the anti-semitic website, who in a YouTube video, accuses the “Zionist-controlled media” of attacking Paul’s candidacy.

Paul has also received support from the Vanguard News Network, a White Nationalist news organization. Then there’s the members of Stormfront, an online neo-Nazi community. 

Of course, Congressman Paul cannot be held accountable for the views of his extremist supporters. Yet, he isn’t exactly doing anything to distance himself from them. For instance, when his extremist supporters began providing a substantial amount of campaign funds, his campaign has a habit of not returning the funds. 

According to the Lone Star Times, White Nationalists like Don Black have become high profile donors to the Paul campaign. Black, the founder of Stormfront, and one of the most notorious neo-Nazis in America, has personally contributed $500 to Paul’s campaign.

To date, there is no conclusive evidence showing the Paul campaign has returned the money.

Paul’s campaign has no control over who sends them money. However, wouldn’t it make sense that if you do not wish to be identified with neo-Nazism, that you would send the money back? 

Paul’s spokesman Jesse Benton told the Lone Star Times back in May:

At this time, I cannot say that we will be rejecting Mr. Black’s contribution, but I will bring the matter to the attention of our campaign director again, and expect some sort of decision to be made in coming days.

I believe any other candidate would unequivocally reject that money as soon as its donor’s identity was known. Why not return the money immediately?

On October 26, nationally syndicated talk show host Michael Medved posted an open letter on that read: 

Dear Congressman Paul:
Your Presidential campaign has drawn the enthusiastic support of an imposing collection of Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Holocaust Deniers, 9/11 “Truthers” and other paranoid and discredited conspiracists.

Do you welcome- or repudiate – the support of such factions?

More specifically, your columns have been featured for several years in the American Free Press-a publication of the nation’s leading Holocaust Denier and anti-Semitic agitator, Willis Carto.  His book club even recommends works that glorify the Nazi SS, and glowingly describe the “comforts and amenities” provided for inmates of Auschwitz.
Have your columns appeared in the American Free Press with your knowledge and approval?

As a Presidential candidate, will you now disassociate yourself, clearly and publicly, from the poisonous propaganda promoted in such publications?
As a guest on my syndicated radio show, you answered my questions directly and fearlessly.

Will you now answer these pressing questions, and eliminate all associations between your campaign and some of the most loathsome fringe groups in American society?
Along with my listeners (and many of your own supporters), I eagerly await your response.

Respectfully, Michael Medved

Medved received no response to the letter from the Paul campaign.

There is even evidence that suggests Ron Paul is anti-semitic on Shadow Democracy’s comment threads. A person by the name of Eric Dondero, who identifies himself as a former Ron Paul staffer wrote:

Ron Paul, my former boss, is not an explicit Anti-Semite, but he is most certainly anti-Israel and one could make a strong case – outright anti-Jewish.

During my 6-year stint with him, I served as his only Jewish staffer. He regularly touted me as proof against allegations that he wasn’t an Anti-Semite, even one time ordering me to wear Jewish clothing and attend a press conference of his Democrat opponent who was exposing his links to Anti-Semitic groups. I felt used.

(For the record, Ron did not know I was Jewish until I had already been hired.)

Ron and I finally departed ways, partly because I was ashamed to work for such an explicitly anti-Israel advocate.

If you still doubt his anti-Jewish/anti-Israel views, ask yourself this question:

Why is it that when Ron Paul talks about the evils of taxpayer dollars going overseas for foreign aid, he only singles out Israel as a recipient? Why does he never mention the billions we send each year to Egypt for foreign aide? Turkey, the Palestinians, other Nations? Never a peep out of Paul about those dollars. It’s just always the “Jews.”

Eric Dondero, Fmr. Senior Aide
US Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX)

He comments in a second post:

In fairness, the comments about Blacks being “fleet-footed” were written for Ron, though published under his name in his Ron Paul Newsletter, by his Top behind the scenes aide Lew Rockwell.

But the other comments about Israel being the most powerful lobby, were definitely Ron Paul’s words. In fact, I’ve heard him say similar comments on numerous occasions, some far more explicit, to private quasi-Anti-Semitic groups… the Jewish comments are very accurate.

Check out Eric Dondero’s website here: 

So what are we left with? Is Ron Paul anti-Jew? The facts posted in the article seem to suggest that. How extreme are his views and can the nation take a chance on electing him to find out? His fundraising is on the up-swing and his poll numbers are climbing. Some polls have him as high as 16% in New Hampshire.

I contend that Ron Paul is merely being coy regarding his racism towards Jewish people and indeed, people of color. Couple this with his many other extremist views, as well as massive support among racists of various stripes, and you are left to ask yourself – is this a guy who we should be considering on any level for the Presidency?

Based on this information, I say absolutely not. 

More Proof Ron Paul is a Racist…


To add to my previous post, Ron Paul and his position on racism…

Racism is simply an ugly form of collectivism, the mindset that views humans strictly as members of groups rather than individuals. Racists believe that all individuals who share superficial physical characteristics are alike: as collectivists, racists think only in terms of groups. By encouraging Americans to adopt a group mentality, the advocates of so-called “diversity” actually perpetuate racism. Their obsession with racial group identity is inherently racist.

The true antidote to racism is liberty. Liberty means having a limited, constitutional government devoted to the protection of individual rights rather than group claims. Liberty means free-market capitalism, which rewards individual achievement and competence, not skin color, gender, or ethnicity.

More importantly, in a free society every citizen gains a sense of himself as an individual, rather than developing a group or victim mentality. This leads to a sense of individual responsibility and personal pride, making skin color irrelevant. Rather than looking to government to correct our sins, we should understand that racism will endure until we stop thinking in terms of groups and begin thinking in terms of individual liberty.

This explanation is lucid and relevant, but it fails to address the fact that white people enslaved an entire race of black people, then proceeded to systematically rob them of their civil rights and wealth for another 100 years after they were freed! Only in the last 40 years have many people of color been able to lift themselves up economically and socially, as a result of affirmative action and other common sense programs that have averted an all out racial war in this country. The very policies Ron Paul opposes are still needed to battle institutional racism today.

This explanation by Paul might also provide some insight as to why he is the darling of white supremacists.

It’s no secret that until he became the horse for the anti-war crowd, Ron Paul extensively pandered to racists. He’s been endorsed and has ties to Larry Pratt and Pat Buchanan. He has a 100 percent approval rating from the John Birch Society. We have already exposed his newsletter on this blog and the statements that most black men were criminals, welfare recipients or looters. He’s also blathered on about Jews controlling America and Asians embezzling the banks.

At the Storm Front website, a white supremacist web site, and in response to an article from the David Duke website (a well documented racist), racist Ron Paul supporters couldn’t heap enough praise on the man.

Some examples…

Cheimon: Ron Paul would collapse the Jewish infrastructure in this country.

AllWhiteAllRight: Anyone who doesn’t vote for Paul on this site is an ass clown. Sure he doesn’t come right out and say he is a WN, who cares! He promotes agendas and ideas that allow Nationalism to flourish. If we “get there” without having to raise hell, who cares; as long as we finally get what we want. I don’t understand why some people do not support this man, Hitler is dead, and we shall probably never see another man like him.

Pat Buchanan’s book “Where the Right Went Wrong” is a prime example of getting the point across without having the book banned for anti semitism. The chapters about the war in Iraq sound like a BarMitzvah, but he doesn’t have to put the Star of David next to each name for us to know what he means. We are running out of options at this point, and I will take someone is 90% with us versus any of the other choices.

Not to mention if Paul makes a serious run, he legitimizes White Nationalism and Storm Front, for God’s sake David Duke is behind this guy!

Woodsy: I believe Ron Paul represents a true opportunity for most of America. He’s the real McCoy. A humble, educated, honest and determined man who is a real, patriotic American. You want business as usual? Cast your lot with Giuliani the Mayor of Jew York or Obama the dark horse from Minnesota (?). This coming election represents the Internet vs. the Jew-controlled mass media.

President of Peach: Step foot outside of your cave/basement and start looking at the big picture: Ron Paul is the last chance the white race has for just 10% of its survival, much less America… And how do you know that’s not his priority? Remember: the game is rigged. Paul can’t come out swinging.

Ron Paul on his opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964…

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 gave the federal government unprecedented power over the hiring, employee relations, and customer service practices of every business in the country. The result was a massive violation of the rights of private property and contract, which are the bedrocks of free society. The federal government has no legitimate authority to infringe on the rights of private property owners to use their property as they please and to form (or not form) contracts with terms mutually agreeable to all parties. The rights of all private property owners, even those whose actions decent people find abhorrent, must be respected if we are to maintain a free society.This expansion of federal power was based on an erroneous interpretation of the congressional power to regulate interstate commerce. The framers of the Constitution intended the interstate commerce clause to create a free trade zone among the states, not to give the federal government regulatory power over every business that has any connection with interstate commerce.The Civil Rights Act of 1964 not only violated the Constitution and reduced individual liberty; it also failed to achieve its stated goals of promoting racial harmony and a color-blind society. Federal bureaucrats and judges cannot read minds to see if actions are motivated by racism. Therefore, the only way the federal government could ensure an employer was not violating the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was to ensure that the racial composition of a business’s workforce matched the racial composition of a bureaucrat or judge’s defined body of potential employees. Thus, bureaucrats began forcing employers to hire by racial quota. Racial quotas have not contributed to racial harmony or advanced the goal of a color-blind society. Instead, these quotas encouraged racial balkanization, and fostered racial strife.

Of course, America has made great strides in race relations over the past forty years. However, this progress is due to changes in public attitudes and private efforts. Relations between the races have improved despite, not because of, the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

In conclusion, Mr. Speaker, while I join the sponsors of H.Res. 676 in promoting racial harmony and individual liberty, the fact is the Civil Rights Act of 1964 did not accomplish these goals. Instead, this law unconstitutionally expanded federal power, thus reducing liberty. Furthermore, by prompting raced-based quotas, this law undermined efforts to achieve a color-blind society and increased racial strife. Therefore, I must oppose H.Res. 676.

More analysis here…

Ron Paul’s comments regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964 are unfounded and a bit foolish.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was not drafted or passed to promote racial harmony as Ron Paul claims, it was passed to correct inherent injustices that were leveled at the black population at the hands of white conservatives in the South.

By defending the rights of property owners at all costs, he is implying that people have the right to be racists.

By claiming the act robbed people of individual liberty, Paul reveals his ignorance regarding people of color being able to vote, ride in the front of the bus, use public restrooms, marry white people, own certain properties, or eat at the same lunch counter as white people. I guess none of these things qualify as individual liberties in ‘Ron World.’ No pursuit of happiness here, huh Ron?

More to come on why Ron Paul is not fit for president…

Nobel Prize Winner Dr. James Watson, Using Garbage Science to Reinforce a Racist Agenda…


The Science Museum in Great Britian cancelled a talk by American DNA researcher Dr. James Watson after he claimed people of color were less intelligent than white people. Watson won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962 for his part in discovering the structure of DNA, was due to speak at the venue on Friday. But the museum has cancelled the event, saying his views went “beyond the point of acceptable debate”.

If he is suggesting that white DNA is intellectually superior to black DNA, he is wrong and a racist. If he is suggesting black culture may not or cannot prepare their own for educational and professional challenges, he may have a point. I think he meant the former.

Other have, and continue to wage Watson’s argument.

Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray’s The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life. outlines the social and economic advantages whites have over blacks is due to their greater intelligence. Among the many shortcomings of the authors’ logic is the simple fact that there is only one species of the human race and it cannot be broken into biological sub-units such as race. Furthermore, science has proved that DNA among all races is virtually identical and no anomalies have been discovered that would increase intelligence in whites over blacks. 

However, racism does persist.

Most blacks and whites have preconceived notions about each other. For instance, three-quarters of African-Americans believed in 1994 that whites are “insensitive to other people” and 42 percent said that Asian-Americans are “unscrupulously crafty and devious in business” (Harper’s Magazine, 1994). In 1990, the National Opinion Research Center asked a random sample of English-speaking Americans 18 years of age and older a series of questions dealing with characteristics of various racial and ethnic groups. Ironically, higher educated whites thought whites were smarter than blacks, and fewer higher educated blacks thought blacks were smarter!  

Efforts to prove the superiority or inferiority of different races have a long and undistinguished history, from the justifications of slavery, to the era of Darwin, to Nazi Germany.

Modern studies on race and intelligence have continued to create controversy.

In 1994, a dispute erupted over the best-selling book The Bell Curve, by Charles Murray and Richard Hermstein, which argued that there were IQ differences between races. These authors argue that welfare and other polices were diluting the intelligence of the population by inadvertently encouraging the “wrong” women (with low IQs) to have babies.

In 2002, Richard Lynn, a professor of psychology at the University of Ulster, also created an uproar with the publication of his book IQ and the Wealth of Nations. 

Arthur Jensen, a former professor of educational psychology at the University of Berkeley, California, published The g Factor: The Science of Mental Ability in 1998 suggesting that a “genetic component” lay behind the difference between whites and blacks in intelligence.

The cold fact is that people are intellectually equal, and that American culture is as divided as ever, as whites look for excuses to degrade blacks. The reason why blacks and Hispanics do poorly in jobs and education is because they are victims of racism on the institutional and professional levels. Minorities in general are forced to live in a sub-culture and life-style that oppresses them as a race and does not allow for upward societal mobility unless we legislate that mobility (i.e. affirmative action). If left to their devices, whites would have enslaved blacks for an indefinite period of time. Only the informed and those of high moral fiber initialized a process that changed all of that. To accomplish the goal, one million Americans had to die in the Civil War to alter this socio-economic dynamic.

I tend to agree with those who conclude intelligence within black culture is being eroded based on destructive cultural factors, however blacks are being force fed that culture at the hands of a white culture that holds supreme power over all financial, educational and institutional resources. Just look at inner city schools around the country. They are failing. Who attends those schools? Minorities mostly. Their parents are struggling financially and often kids in these schools cannot acheive simple things to help them along like new clothes, jackets, school supplies, etc. Simply put, they are setup to fail.

I’d like to ask Dr. Watson – if you swapped all whites kids and put them in inner city schools and took all of their money away, and put all blacks into cushy suburban schools, would this change the ‘intelligence’ dynamic? I bet it would.

It is patently foolish to suggest that whites are smarter than blacks based on biology, however as a society, if these people go unchallenged and their misguided beliefs are reinforced by other racists, their ignorance and racism will continue to take root and poison future generations. As a culture, we cannot progress until these people are throttled once and for all. 


Is Spitzer Politicizing the New York State D.M.V.???


In an unprecedented move, New York governor Eliot Spitzer has issued a decree by executive order that would provide driver licenses to any and all illegal aliens in New York State. The outrage that has ensued was predictable, complete with a county clerk revolt. In fact, thirteen county clerks say  they will not abide by the executive order and five more are rumored to follow pending legal review of the order.

What puzzles me is why? Why would Spitzer do this? The language being used in the proposal conveniently doesn’t contain the word ‘illegal’ when referring to immigrants who would receive these licenses. It uses language like “immigrant workers,” and “foreign workers.” Does someone need to send Spitzer to How to be a Competent Governor 101 class? Whether Spitzer wants to acknowledge the fact or not, these people are breaking the law. They should not be rewarded, their cases should be reviewed or they should be arrested. Let’s spend money on that. Let’s pursue that. Let’s uphold the law for a change instead of caving in to cultural and ideological pressures for wrong-headed pro-immigration groups who believe that foreigners can rule the U.S. roost and impose their will on our culture, even if that means breaking the law. What does Spitzer think makes some of these countries the dysfunctional states that they are – driving people to this country in the first place? A lack of accountability to the law, that’s what!   

The fact of the matter is that these people are breaking immigration law and they are here illegally – end of story. The very idea that Spitzer or any of these other detached and outright arrogant political leaders pursue an agenda that simply looks to wish them and their conscious choice to break those laws away, is simply incomprehensible to me. The governor of one of the largest states in the union, whose civil duty it is to protect the citizenry, with arguably the most secure driver license program in the country, wouldn’t purposefully compromise the safety of New Yorkers by proposing such nonsense – not where 9/11 happened? Not in New York City – a rich target to those who wish to harm us? I believe he would, and for the worst of reasons…politics.

The fact is that immigrants, including many who are here illegally, including Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, and Eastern Europeans, represent a larger and larger population demographic – especially in New York City. These minorities traditionally vote Democrat, however state Republicans have been making inroads slowly over the past three election cycles. Doesn’t it make perfect sense to give these people the brass ring in exchange for votes? Put yourself in Spitzers shoes. Many of these people work, and those who are here illegally are simply potential votes…only if they have a license to register or better yet, register when they get their license right at the D.M.V.

What Spitzer fails to see in this shortsighted policy, as reflected in the clerk revolt, among whom there are several Democrats, is that his long-term political capital may be greatly eroded by the Democratic base who is largely made up of white middle income voters (who apparently don’t matter to Spitzer). However, they will matter in the next election when they decide to punish him, much like they did to Mario Cuomo, effectively ending his career. If all Spitzer sees here is votes, which is a total slap in the face to New Yorkers on it’s face, and completely disregards the laws within our adversarial legal system that are designed to protect all citizens, then maybe he should be arrested for aiding these criminals in their lawbreaking activities. If he won’t look out for us, we’ll have to look out for ourselves. In the end, the arrogance and destructive ideologically driven policies by people unfit to lead, must be quashed.

I support the New York county clerk revolt. Spitzer is a fool.             

Everyone Involved in Jena Case Needs to Wise Up…



Another perfect situation for racial tension. Blacks and whites are at it again –  fighting over skin color, lifestyle, culture, and ultimately…a way of life – this time in Jena, Louisiana. 


Jena is a mostly white town in central Louisiana with a population of about 3,000 people. This whole flap surrounds a tree on the local high school campus – the shade of which supposedly belongs to whites only? I was unaware one can claim shade?

Last fall during an assembly, a black student asked an administrator whether he could sit under the tree. The very fact that the question needed to be asked at all, embodies the crux of racial tensions in this country. To people in the assembly, the question may very well have represented the same retreaded innuendo that suggests a white vs. black power struggle that persists. Students were reassured…they could sit where ever they like.Several black students soon joined white students under the tree – and the next day, three nooses hung from it. The administration of the schools as well as the entire population of the town was oblivious to the hidden meaning of the question in the assembly, and now all wondered why the nooses? It was not a harmless prank – at least blacks didn’t see it that way. It was a sign of hidden racial hatred buried and bubbling just below the surface in the misled and ignorant minds of white students. Tensions immediately rose. The school administration blundered again by inviting Reed Walters, the district attorney, and several police officers, to threaten students at will, which they were all too happy to do. “I can be your best friend or your worst enemy,” Walters told the assembly. “With a stroke of my pen, I can make your lives disappear.” It sounds like a scene ripped straight from Mississippi Burning. Welcome Jim Crow esq.


What people in Jena don’t realize is that none of these things matter in the long run. Race, color, lifestyle and culture are not going to be the end of Western culture as we know it, nor will whites or blacks triumph over one another as the ‘ruling’ race. White people need not fear that their wholesome white-flight suburban existence is evaporating and black people need not fear that what they have fought for over the past 150 years will be undone. The real threat to this nation and culture as a whole is destructive economic policy, perpetuated at the hands of the power elite – and their worker bees like Reed Walters who are sent to keep the ‘black folk’ in line – and in some cases, the white folk too.


The rich love when we fight among ourselves. Racial tension and fighting in the streets, protests, and arrests, are wonderful distractions for the American middle class. They keeps our troubled minds off of some pretty disturbing facts – like the fact that Jena, is poor on the whole…really poor, and that most of their high school students probably won’t graduate – while the ones that do will have trouble ever finding meaningful work. It also distracts us from destructive war profiteering, the fact that our healthcare system is crumbling, that American wages are being depressed like never before, and that our elected leaders are nothing more than corporate puppets.


These issues are not white issues or black issues, they are everyone issues. More and more whites and blacks are falling into poverty as we speak. Some estimates have numbers set as high as 12% of all people in the U.S. living at or under the official poverty line. Of course the poverty line is a distraction in itself. When you really think about it, who can live on $12,000 per year? The poverty line should be at $17,000 to $20,000 per year. If that was the case, I believe the numbers of those in poverty would be much higher, and include many more people in places like Jena.


The point is, average people in this country cannot relate to the rich power elite and we never will. They loathe all of us. They will not help us, they do not care, and they want nothing more than to preserve the status quo. As a racially diverse populus, we help do their morally bankrupt bidding by scrapping among ourselves. If we are fighting each other, we can never unite to fight them. I say to the Jena six and everyone else involved in that case, don’t turn your anger on your black or white neighbors, level that anger toward the true culprits…the rich and powerful who manipulate and take advantage of situations like Jena to manufacture profit and rob you of your civil rights – while we bleed and our children are jailed in the name of false justice.